Sunday, October 20, 2013


Mencari rejeki.
Siang keje. Malam keje. Mcm org gile duet kan. Tp tu la. Sape yg tamau duet kan. So hanya ini yg mampu kulakukan demi mencari bersuap2 nasi.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Haish... siyesly i feel bad rite now. He's getting married. No chance at all to tackle him back. I'm happy for him. I thought that he couldn't get the one that can love him like i love him. I'm totally wrong. Finally he get the girl. Wish him happy till eternity.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


it's been awhile.
banyak sangat yang change dari yang remain.
new job.
new boyfie ( eh, ade ke)
new place.
everything's new lah.

start dengan job dulu la.
I'm working with Perodua.
job yang tak pernah terlintas di fikiran pun sebenarnya.
lagi2 sebagai Admin.
Admin yang keje die duduk je dalam office.
that's soooo not me oke.

mcm mane saye leh keje kat situ.
mase bulan puase 2013, desperately need a job.
one of my fren suggest me to work sebagai sales advisor for Perodua.
so teringat la pulak yang ade skulmate saye tu keje Perodua.
so try la tanye kot2 ade kosong.
Alhamdulillah.... his boss ask me for interview and terus keje on the same day.
mavelesssss kannn.

so start from dat day, bermula lah kerjaya saye sebagai seorang Sales Advisor di Perodua.



da lame sangat tak berceloteh di alam maya.
but now saye rase macam nak start balek.
ntah kenape one of my fren remind me about blogging.
even before this saye bukanla blogger tegar pun.
dapat earning pun x sebanyak blogger2 terkenal yang laen.
tapi siyesly menulis banyak bagi kepuasan kat saye.
so now with my new life, i think dat i want to start it again.
it's not for public pun.
tapi cukupla tuk kepuasan diri sendiri.
so, let's start :)